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Amethyst-throated Osmorsu - Aondal

A creature I designed and modeled as part of my bachelor thesis.
The Amethyst-throated Osmorsu is a species with a strong sexual dimorphism. Male Osmorsu are bulkier and posess the violett throat scales giving the creature its name. The Osmorsu's bite is exeptionally powerful and his front teeth are made of bone. The violett scales/feathers are bioluminecent and only glow if desired. One male specimen lays low and waits to ambush its pray, while the females hunt it down and beat it to the males location. Osmorsus inhabite tropical rainforests and can navigate terrain bipedal, quadrupedal or arboreal.
The creature was modeled in 3D and animated with my own motion capture data.

Lateral muscle plan

Lateral muscle plan

Colorized Illustration

Colorized Illustration

3D model posed with motion captture data

3D model posed with motion captture data